Wednesday, March 11, 2015

The TRUTH BEHIND THE BLURRED LINES, THAT NOONE TOLD YOU. Who made Robin Thicke and Pharrell Williams to steal that Marvin Gaye Song? This egomaniac man stands behind all of this Blurred lines

Did you know who supports Pharrell Williams from the background?

It is control-freak fashion designer Marc Jacobs. He was the creative director of mega fashion brand Louis Vuitton for over 16 years. Jacobs got many well paying contracts and magazine covers for Pharrell Williams. ( Pharrell Williams has teamed with the fashion house in 2008 to launch a new collection of fine jewelry called Blason )

Their long-time friendship goes back to the time when Jacobs was chubby wearing huge glasses.

Pharrell Williams as a REGULAR guest at all of Jacobs's fashion shows and parties

Jacobs wants to control the entire media.

His other buddy Kanye West sampled a 40 years old Hungarian song without the permission of the band, Omega.It was a huge scandal in Hungary.

Marc Jacobs and Kanye West are long-time pals. Jacobs helped Kanye to become famous. Jacobs even made Kanye to steal a 40 years old Hungarian song by the band Omega (I am from Hungary).It was huge controversy in Hungary, since the Hungarian band had no idea that Kanye sampled their song, Kanye did not ask them before for permission. They got in touch with Kanye's manager after they heard about the song. Did you know that Kim Kardashian's little sister Kendall Jenner recently started modeling? Her main supporter is Marc Jacobs, her modeling debut was at the Marc Jacobs show in February. If you want to know more details, click here

Marc Jacobs with Kendall Jenner and Gigi Hadid. They both started professional modeling through Marc Jacobs

Marc Jacobs with Kanye West and Kendall Jenner

Not only does he greatly influence fashion, but he slyly pulls the strings of many celebrities, the entertainment industry, and even the film industry.

He controls and pressures many singers and actors by using his clout in exchange for their participation in his schemes. He leaked all those naked images of Jennifer Lawrence, Amber Heard, Kim Kardashian, Kate Upton, etc. (Jacobs discovered and made Kate Upton and Cara Delevingne famous among many other celebrity.)
He gets them campaign contracts and magazine covers, which equate to money and fame.  In return, they take dirty pictures for him, they wear his clothes, are seen with him in public, and do what he dictates in their public lives. Marc Jacobs's sick fantasies stand out in his editorials and in the performances of today's big stars.

The stars have to dance and act the way Jacobs wants them to. For example, Jacobs is responsible for Miley Cyrus's shocking perverse new image. She was the face of Jacobs' ad campaign so he has convinced Miley to realize all of Jacobs's perverse fantasies.

After I exposed the truth via my blogspot I got more life-threatening messages.

Do you remember when Pharrell Said Miley Cyrus Was More Of An Inspiration Than Marvin Gaye In Writing ‘Blurred Lines’?



Marc Jacobs was the face of Marc Jacobs last year.

Miley Cyrus at dinner with Marc Jacobs and the president of his brand, Robert Duffy. They both support Miley.

(Marc Jacobs supports and controls :  Terry Richardson, Daisy Lowe, Doutzen Kroes, Jennifer Lawrence, Gemma Ward, Robin Thicke, Kirsten Dunst, Natalia Vodianova (Russian model) Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus, Kanye West, Rick Owen, Miranda Kerr, Kendall Jenner, Fanning Sisters, Sofia Coppola, Beth Ditto


How do I know Jacobs?


I first met Marc Jacobs back in 2008 in Paris. Right off the bat he took notice of my unique style and my eye for fashion. He thought that since I was a young, innocent girl, he could easily seduce me with his promises of love, marriage and a top model career in the fashion industry.

 He asked me several times to send him naked and dirty photos of myself, which I denied to do. He did not let me become a model because I denied to do the humiliating things he asked me. He made a sneaky plan to steal my ideas, copy my designs and enjoy the success and the money he could earn with my talent.
The more I got to know Marc the scarier and crueler person he revealed himself to be. Over the last few years, I have realized that Marc Jacobs is the manipulator of the century. He wants to control the entire media machine.

Jacobs gave the ideas he stole from ME to his pal Pharrell for his latest Adidas collaboration.

 Marc Jacobs even made Robin Thicke to say my name 2 times in his video clip.
The lyrics of Robin Thicke`s Give it 2 U  proves that Marc Jacobs has a big influence on singers, song writers, etc.
Listen to the song at: 1:47 and at 3:18... Robin stops singing and says: ANGEL ( which is my name)... how bizarre! Jacobs gives a sign hidden in the video, 2 times .

Marc Jacobs gave the idea that he stole from me to his designer friend Stella McCartney, the daughter of Paul McCartney. I wonder what he got from Stella in exchange for MY designs? ( Stella talked her father into playing a song with Marc's best pal Kanye West )

Who is this woman on the picture? 



She is Katie Grand, the main supporter of Marc Jacobs. 


Katie Grand helps Jacobs in his sneaky, cruel games. Jacobs controls the celebrities through Grand. She is a stylist and editor, works with most of the big fashion brands, magazines and celebrities. (Prada, Miu Miu, Chanel, Gucci, Stella McCartney, Vogue, W, etc)

Kendall Jenner presented Katie Grand with an award in 2014
Katie Grand with Kendall Jenner at the backstage of Marc Jacobs show where Kendall made her modeling debut in 2014

Katie Grand with Miley Cyrus

More on how Jacobs controls Miley Cyrus, click here

 If you want to read more on how I met Jacobs and see the
photos and campaigns he copied , click here


A quote from the interview with Janis Gaye

So how does the family respond to critics who say that, even though "Blurred Line" and "Got to Give It Up" have a similar feel, that doesn't mean the elements were stolen maliciously? Where is the line between theft and simply finding inspiration in music that came before your own?

"I don't think there's anything wrong with being inspired," Nona explained. "I've been inspired when I made music before. Inspiration's fine, but the line is when you decide to take the complete and utter essence out of the song. When you take all the meat, and leave the bones."


Related articles:


To see my collection, click here

Robin Thicke és Pharrell Williams hivatalosan is másolók és más művészektől lopnak ötleteket

A 2013-as év legnagyobb slágere a Blurred lines már jó ideje kiderült, hogy koppintás. Az egész világ tudta, hogy Marvin Gaye  1977-es "Got to Give It Up" c. számáról másolták. Marvin unokái beperelték Robin Thicke-t és Pharrell-t. Már hetek óta találgatott a világsajtó a per kimeneteléről és nem sok sikert jósoltak Marvin családjának, mivel a dalt nem egy az egyben másolták le, csak a dallam bizonyos részleteit.
Egy 8 tagú zsűri döntötte el, hogy történt-e jogsértés vagy sem. Az igazság győzőtt és bűnösnek találták a másolókat. A bíróság kimondta, hogy ez nem inspirálódás, hanem lopás. Pharrellék $7.3 millió dollárt kell, hogy fizesssenek Marvinéknak kártérítésként. Téves az a felfogás, hogy száz százalákig azonosnak kell lennie a másolt és az eredeti műnek, mivel a jog úgy szól, hogy "a plágium az idegen szerő művének az utánzása, másolása részben, vagy egészben engedély nélkül".

A bíróságon kívül a Gaye család elárulta, hogy a pert maga Pharrell Williams indította el Gaye-ék ellen, mivel ők meg merték kérdőjelezni, a szám eredetiségét.

Részlet a Marvin Gaye családjával készített interjúból:

Tehát mit üzen a család azoknak, akik kételkednek és azt mondják, hogy igaz, hogy a két dal hasonlít, de az még nem jelenti azt, hogy direkt lelopták volna Marvin számát? Hol van a határ az inspirálódás és a lopás között?
 Nona Gaye válasza: Az inspirálódásban, szerintem nincsen semmi rossz. De van egy határ, amikor eldöntöd, hogy az egész művet lemásolod,  a mű lényegét lekoppintod. Amikor elveszed az egész húst és csak a csontot hagyod meg.

A per végén Robin Thicke már olyan képtelenségeket is kitalált, hogy nem lopta a dalt, mivel Miley Cyrus inspirálta őt. Róla írta az egész számot. Miley Cyrus, szintén Jacobs bábja. Jacobs támogatja Mileyt és ő találta ki Miley új, extrém, perverz image-t. Miley még Marc Jacobs kampányban is szerepelt. Itt olvashattok többet Marc-ról és Miley-ról.

Itt hallgassatok bele a két dalba, hogy milyen nagy a hasonlóság!

Nagyon érdekes egybeesés, hogy Pharrell Williams régi barátja Marc Jacobsnak. Őt is Jacobs irányítja és már réges rég megvette. Jacobs szerzett neki jól fizető munkákat, pl. Pharrell tervezett egy gyémántos ékszer kollekciót a Louis Vuittonnak 2008-ban, amiért Pharrell több millió dollár fizetést kapott. Pharrell állandó vendég volt Jacobs bemutatóin. 
Nem véletlen, hogy pont a magyar modellt, Palvin Barbarát tette be Marc Jacobs  Pharrell mellé az Uniqlo ruhakampányba modellnek. Jacobs a legtöbb képemet magyar modellekkel másoltatta le divatanyagokba és kampányokba.

Palvin Barbara magyar modell, Miley Cyrus színésznővel

Jacobs nem csak dalokat másoltat Pharrellel, hanem az én ruhakollekciómat is. Tavaly az Adidasnak tervezett Pharrell egy kollekciót,ahol lemásolta a ruháimat.

Marc Jacobs még arra is rávette Robint, hogy többször mondja ki a nevemet az egyik számában. Robin Thicke  1:47 -nél és  3:18-nál azt mondja a klipben, hogy Angel, pont mint a Joe Jonas - Just in Love c. dal klipjében, amit itt hallgathattok meg. Joe Jonast is Marc Jacobs támogatja a háttérből.

Pharell Williams állandó vendég volt Jacobs Louis Vuitton bemutatóin, mielőtt még Jacobs-t kirúgták a cégtől.

Pár éve pedig Jacobs másik nagy haverja Kanye West az Omega Gyöngyhajú lány c. számát játszotta be egy koncerten, a zenekar tudomása nélkül. A tv-ből értesült az Omega a hírről. Ők sajnos nem perelték be Kanye-t, csak békésen megegyeztek velük. Hagyták futni a bűnöst, ami nagyon helytelen, hiszen a tolvajokat üldözni kell!

Jacobs támogatja Kanyet, sőt, még Kim Kardashian (Kanye felesége) hugából is topmodellt csinált. Kendall Jenner, Kim huga a Marc Jacobs divatbemutatón debütált, mint modell. Azóta is sokat dolgozik Marckal és Katie Grand-del. Jacobs futtatta be a magyar modelleket is külföldön, több részletet olvashattok ITT

Ez csak a kezdet. Marc Jacobs barátai és támogatói mind le fognak bukni, mert az igazság mindig kiderül, csak idő kérdése!




További cikkek
Olvassátok el hogyan kényszeríti Marc még Lady Gagát is arra, hogy az én stílusomban öltözzön, részletért katt ide.
Taylor Swift Angel Barta bikiniben, képekért katt ide

Sofia Coppola lemásolta a képeimet a Diornak, megnézhetitek itt.
Miu Miu betiltott kampány, a síró fiatal lánnyal a síneken, szintén Marc ötlete.

Marc Jacobs vette rá Kanye Westet, hogy lopja el a Gyöngyhajú lányt. Részletek.
Történetem Marc Jacobsszal röviden,A Spongya Bob jelmezbe bújt Keresztapa, itt.
Elmagyarázom hogyan jutnak el az ötleteim a Diorhoz, itt.
Kanye Westnek is ír dalokat, a Runaway is az ő műve, itt olvashattok erről
A KÖNYVEM, "Titkos szerelmi affér Párizsban" megrendelhető itt.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Marc Jacobs is the manipulator of the century

My name is Angel Barta. I am a fashion designer at Angel Barta VIP Couture.

I’m here to share with you the sad truth about famous American designer Marc Jacobs. There is something the media hides from you: Jacobs is a behind-the-scenes puppet master. He controls and pressures many celebrities. He is an egomaniac and wants to control everyone!

Marc Jacobs with Angel Barta


I first met Marc Jacobs back in 2008 in Paris. Right off the bat he took notice of my unique style and my eye for fashion. He thought that since I was a young, innocent girl, he could easily seduce me with his promises of love, marriage and a top model career in the fashion industry.

 He asked me several times to send him naked and dirty photos of myself, which I denied to do. He did not let me become a model because I denied to do the humiliating things he asked me. He made a sneaky plan to steal my ideas, copy my designs and enjoy the success and the money he could earn with my talent.
The more I got to know Marc the scarier and crueler person he revealed himself to be. Over the last few years, I have realized that Marc Jacobs is the manipulator of the century. He wants to control the entire media machine.

After I exposed the truth via my blogspot I got more life-threatening messages.

Not only does he greatly influence fashion, but he slyly pulls the strings of many celebrities, the entertainment industry, and even the film industry.
He controls and pressures many singers and actors by using his clout in exchange for their participation in his schemes. He leaked all those naked images of Jennifer Lawrence, Amber Heard, Kim Kardashian, Kate Upton, etc. (Jacobs discovered and made Kate Upton and Cara Delevingne famous among many other celebrity.)
  In each of the three big releases, Jennifer Lawrence has played a huge part. She appeared in all three photo lacks and on Friday an additional 55 naked photos of her were released which brings her total nearly 300! That is a very large number of photos!
 Did you ever wonder why she got an Oscar? Did you ever wonder how she got that big $15 million Dior campaign contract? She has just extended her contract this year with the high-profile fashion house, committing for an estimated three more years to the tune of approximately $15 million in compensation! Jennifer Lawrence does ANYTHING for success! as you can see from her dirty photos.

He gets them campaign contracts and magazine covers, which equate to money and fame.  In return, they take dirty pictures for him, they wear his clothes, are seen with him in public, and do what he dictates in their public lives. Marc Jacobs's sick fantasies stand out in his editorials and in the performances of today's big stars.

Marc Jacobs leaked those naked images of the celebrities. Jacobs asked Jennifer Lawrence and Rihanna to take those naked pictures of themselves in order to get fashion ad campaign. They of course did the pics and got the well-paying contract.

The stars have to dance and act the way Jacobs wants them to. For example, Jacobs is responsible for Miley Cyrus's shocking perverse new image. She was the face of Jacobs' ad campaign so he has convinced Miley to realize all of Jacobs's perverse fantasies.

(Marc Jacobs supports and controls :  Terry Richardson, Daisy Lowe, Doutzen Kroes, Jennifer Lawrence, Gemma Ward, Robin Thicke, Kirsten Dunst, Natalia Vodianova (Russian model) Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus, Kanye West, Rick Owen, Miranda Kerr, Kendall Jenner, Fanning Sisters, Sofia Coppola, Beth Ditto

DAISY LOWE photographed by Marc Jacobs' friend Terry Richardson

Marc Jacobs with Daisy Lowe and Mischa Barton
Daisy Lowe posing in front of the naked picture of Marc Jacobs
                                    Marc Jacobs with Terry Richardson

Alexa Chung, Marc Jacobs, Daisy Lowe
Marc Jacobs and Pharell Williams are best friends, they have officially worked together more times. Jacobs got more well-paying design contracts for Pharell ( Louis Vuitton jewellery collection designed by Pharell for example) . Jacobs copied my designs with Pharell for Adidas. Pharell did a collection for Adidas in 2014 November.

Marc Jacobs gave the idea that he stole from me to his designer friend Stella McCartney, the daughter of Paul McCartney. I wonder what he got from Stella in exchange for MY designs? ( Stella talked her father into playing a song with Marc's best pal Kanye West )
Moschino copied my hot pink leather suit. Moschino's new creative director is Jeremy Scott. Jacobs got him this job, no wonder Jacobs controls him now.

Who is this woman on the picture? 

She is Katie Grand, the main supporter of Marc Jacobs. Katie Grand helps Jacobs in his sneaky, cruel games. Jacobs controls the celebrities through Grand. She is a stylist and editor, works with most of the big fashion brands, magazines and celebrities. (Prada, Miu Miu, Chanel, Gucci, Stella McCartney, Vogue, W, etc)
Kendall Jenner presented Katie Grand with an award in 2014
Katie Grand with Kendall Jenner at the backstage of Marc Jacobs show where Kendall made her modeling debut in 2014

Katie Grand with Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus having fun with Marc Jacobs and his business partner Robert Duffy

Marc Jacobs with Kanye West and Kendall Jenner

Marc Jacobs and Kanye West are long-time pals. Jacobs helped Kanye to become famous. Jacobs even made Kanye to steal a 40 years old Hungarian song by the band Omega (I am from Hungary).It was huge controversy in Hungary, since the Hungarian band had no idea that Kanye sampled their song, Kanye did not ask them before for permission. They got in touch with Kanye's manager after they heard about the song. Did you know that Kim Kardashian's little sister Kendall Jenner recently started modeling? Her main supporter is Marc Jacobs, her modeling debut was at the Marc Jacobs show in February. If you want to know more details, click here

Marc Jacobs with Lake Bell and Vanessa Hudgens, whose nude pictures were leaked. Jacobs supports Vanessa and is close friends with Lake Bell, who married Jacobs' tattoo artist.

Marc Jacobs with Cara Delevingne  


Kate Upton with her mentor Marc Jacobs, who made her famous

Marc Jacobs with Nicki Minaj

Natalia Vodianova with Marc Jacobs' friend Lorenzo Martone in 2011 sept

                 Marc Jacobs with his models
Marc Jacobs hanging out with his naked model at his office

  Marc Jacobs has been stealing my ideas, my style, my photos and my concepts for six years. My unique fashion designs have enticed him to reproduce my creations across the brands he has his hand in. He wants to be the most powerful person in the entertainment and fashion world by using my ideas without my permission.

He steals my designs with illegal, dirty tricks. He hacked my cell and my computer. He read all my text messages and emails without my permission for many years.

  Jacobs wants to hide me and the fact that he has been using my ideas from the fashion industry. Since he discovered that my unique style sells well, he plans to continue hiding me and stealing my ideas as long as possible.
This has been going on for almost 6 years. So last year I decided to start a blog about my story to let the truth be known, with the hope that having the truth out there, he might be persuaded to finally leave me alone.

  Just because he is rich and famous does not give him the right to pass off a rising designer’s style for his own and he does not have right to invade into my personal life.

   I wrote a 500 page book about my story with Marc Jacobs. It is entitled Fake Fashion. In my book, I wrote candidly about my experiences with Marc. I included his perverse, dirty demands, his sick sexual fantasy, our long conversations, emails, voice mails and texts with the cruel puppeteer. Find out more about Jacobs' cruel and sneaky tricks by reading my shocking story, dirty games, dirty sex, dirty tricks, and betrayal all for the sake of power. If you want to read a few pages from my book, "Hot sex scene with fashion designer Marc Jacobs" click here to read the extract.

Marc Jacobs and Conchita Wurst, they look quite similar. Jacobs loves to dress up like a woman with a beard on his face and long hair.

When it comes to money and power Jacobs turns into the Devil. 

Here is a video with me where I ask for your help

The truth must be known by everyone! Marc Jacobs has to be exposed in public! If you support the truth please share the link to my blog on facebook, twitter or anywhere you'd like. My link is:


To get the word out on Marc Jacobs click the share button below

If you want to see my collection, click here
 If you want to know more, you can read the other articles on my blog. So far (November, 2014), more than 1 million people have learned the truth about Marc Jacobs.